About Black Dates

Today we want to speak about a special kind of Date. It is cultivated in Iran, especially in Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Black date is one of the most famous dates of the Sistan-Baluchistan province. In the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), this date has been registered with the name of this province. This Date is cultivated in Zabul, Saravan, Iranshahr, and Chabahar, and the best type is in Zabul and Iranshahr. A part of the produced Black dates is sent to the neighboring provinces to be packed and exported.

The Black gold of Sistan

The black gold of Sistan is known as Rabbi or Black dates, which are considered the most delicious dates in Iran and the world. Warm and dry weather is necessary for Rabbi palm trees. Because Black dates can withstand drought, they are very prosperous in the Sistan and Baluchistan region. Alternatively, this type of Date belongs to the early mature category. This has increased the economic value of the agricultural industry in this region, and the Black dates are called the gold of Sistan. The high quality of Black dates is famous in Iranshahr and Zabul, and Chabahar and Iranshahr also produce good dates.

The appearance and quality of the Black dates

This delicious date is a very popular semi-dry date with a dark brown to black color and thin skin. It has different sizes, and the excellent type has a long, elongated appearance and is about 4 to 5 cm long. Black dates have a small kernel, but a soft and chocolatey texture that appeals to viewers. Moist dates are red to green. You will not forget its unique taste by eating fresh or dry black dates.

Properties of black dates

Its unique feature is the presence of fructose and lactose sugar in Rabi dates. This is a source of natural sugar but does not cause harm or increase blood sugar. The sweetness of this variety of date is average and you will not be disappointed by eating it. Even diabetics can easily consume black dates due to the presence of fiber in dates, which aids digestion. It is highly recommended to consume black dates on a daily basis as they are among the fruits and vegetables that have all their properties.

Cultivation areas

Black dates are specific to Sistan and Baluchistan province and are cultivated in Zabul, Saravan, Iranshahr, Chabahar and Khash regions. An ideal place for this date is Saravan. Sistan and Baluchistan province produces more than 50 types of dates, including Mozafati, Stone Crusher, Halila, and Zahedi, but the most significant volume of dates is Pakistani dates. Black dates are known as Pakistani dates because Pakistan supplies Pakistani dates with the name and brand of Pakistani dates. Due to this, the name has become very popular on the world market. In terms of taste and quality, Black dates are favored by consumers since they are the most delicious. Additionally, dates from the Saravan city of Sistan and Baluchistan province have a longer shelf life and are pest-resistant. This allows them to be exported to other countries without spoiling.

Pakistani dates export

A Rabbi date is marketed on the world market after famous dates such as dates, mudafati, Quebecab, and colonies. Iran’s domestic market also has its own fans of these dates. You will enjoy the sweet and unique taste of these dates when you are looking for a delicious snack. Rabbi dates are known for being one of the most flavorful varieties of dates. They are known for their sweet and unique taste, and are often used as a dessert or snack.

They also have a longer shelf life than other dates, making them an ideal option for long-term storage. Rabbi dates have a high sugar content, which is why they have such a sweet taste. They also contain other beneficial vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, which can help to support a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, their long shelf life makes them ideal for buying in bulk and storing for long periods of time. Much of the dates grown in Sistan-Baluchistan are exported to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The province is one of the poles of date production in the country with the production of more than 6,000 tons of dates a year.

Properties of Black date

This product contains some amount of fructose and lactose. You need to know that fructose is a natural sugar that is very sweet. Therefore, it can be an effective replacement for sugar.

Lactose is also a crucial substance in the body to provide daily calories and contributes to the balance of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. These substances play a significant role in maintaining bone health.

Maintenance of Black Dates

Black date is characterized by a high degree of durability for over a year without a refrigerator.

One of the observed features of this date is the need to keep it in the refrigerator. This reduces the costs of manufacturers and makes it easier to export. Given the widespread cultivation of this crop, it is an excellent option. It is for export. Also, at home in a cool, dry place, there is no problem.

The Black Dates Grades and Packing

Packaging of export dates has become increasingly important in recent years due to the fact that Iran produces and exports a great deal of dates. When dates are packaged well, they are easy to transport and handle, and they are protected from spoilage and damage. Therefore, a good package encourages customers to buy them.

The seller tries to package with more accuracy and sensitivity for this reason. A creative package is one of the most important conditions for attracting more customers. What if this creativity is accompanied by an understanding and awareness of the subject? Due to more customers, you will be able to achieve success and high profits.

For packaging design, spiritual elements should be taken into consideration. Date cartons can be designed in a positive way by paying attention to the culture of every country’s people. Date packaging will be more successful if it takes into account the interests and cultures of nations.

These are the three packaging and grading systems that Royal Dates Co. offers for black dates, as described in the related cases:

In accordance with the cases mentioned in the above paragraph, our company offers three packaging systems. These are the three grading and packaging systems:

A 12-x 600 grams carton box is included in Grade A, the first of three available packaging options. Using the second option, 5 kg of loose product is stuffed into the bag with Grade A dates. As a final option, we offer a packing configuration that includes 5 kilograms of grade B dates and genuine product.

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